Astronomy in Korea

Education & Research

Education and Reserch

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  • 18.11.28
  • 1,642
Universities and Institutions for Study in Astronomy
- Chungbuk National University : Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- Chungnam National University : Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- Kyunghee University : Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- Kyungpook National University : School pf Earth System Science, Major in Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences
- Sejong University : Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Seoul National University : Department of Physics and Astronomy, Astronomy Program
- Yonsei University : Department of Astronomy
- Chonbuk National University : Department of Science Education, Earth Science Education Program
- Chonnam National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Chosun University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Chungbuk National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Ewha Womans University : Department of Sciecne Education, Program of Earth Science Education
- Kangwon National University : Division of Science Education, Earth Science Education Program
- Kongju National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Korea National University of Education : Department of Earth Science Education
- Kyungpook National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Pusan National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Seoul National University : Department of Earth Science Education
- Chungbuk National University : Department of Phyiscs
- Ewha Womans University : Department of Phyiscs
- Hanyang University : Department of Phyiscs
- Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST) : Department of Phyiscs
- Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) : School of Physics
Academic Associations
- The Korean Astronomical Society
- The Korean Space Science Society
- The Korean Earth Science Society
Research Institutes, Centers and Labs
- Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)
- Chungbuk National University : Center for Extrasolar Planet Researches
- Ewha Womans University : Institute for the Early Universe (IEU)
- Kyunghee University : School of Space Research (SSR)
- Seoul National University : Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU)
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