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Korean Team : Prof. Hong Bae Ann (Pusan National University)
Dr. Yoojea Kim (Korean Astronomical Society)
Prof. Hyung Mok Lee (Seoul National University)
Mr. Hosung Nam (National Research Foundation of Korea),
Mr. Jin Man Kim (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity),
2 middle school and 5 high school students
Results : 4 gold medals and 3 silver medals
Gold medal : Wan-Jin Cho (Korea Science Academy of KAIST), Hasun Lee(Shinmok Middle School),
Isaac Yeoun-Gyu Choi(Korea Science Academy of KAIST),
Yoonsoo Kim(Seoul Science High school)
Silver medal : Jung Woo Seo (Onchun Middle School), Dongkok Kim (Sejong Science High school),
Minwook Kim (Seoul Science High school)