The 4th IOAA
Dates : Sep. 12 ~ 20, 2010
Location : Beijing, China
Participation : 25 teams from 23 countries (114 students and ?? team leaders/observers)
Bangladesh - Belarus - Bolivia - Brazil - Cambodia - Czech Republic - China (2 teams) - Greece - India - Indonesia - Iran(2 teams) - Kazakhstan - Korea - Lithuania - Philippine - Poland - Romania - Russia - Serbia - Slovakia - Sri Lanka - Thailand - Ukraine
Korean team : Prof. Sang Gak Lee (Seoul National University)
Dr. In Sung Yim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr. Inwoo Han (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Four high school students
Results : 1 gold medal and 3 silver medals
Gold medal : Seo Jin Kim (Gyunggi Science High school)
Silver medal : Hyungyu Kong (Sejong Science High school)
Yunseo Jang (Seoul Science High school)
Seongbeom Heo (Gyunggibul Science High school)