The 8th IOAA
Dates : Aug. 1 ~ 11, 2014
Location : Suceava & Gura Humorului, Romania
Partcipating teams : 37 countries (43 teams). 195 students, 100 team leaders/observers.
Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulagaria, Canada, China, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, F.Y.R.O.M., Greece (2 teams), Hungary, India, Indonesia (2 teams), Iran (2 teams), Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland(2 teams), Portugal, Romania (2 teams), Russia (2 teams), Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Ukraine, USA
Korean Team
: Prof. Hee Won Lee (Sejong Univ.) Dr. Yoojea Kim(Korean Astronomical Society) with five high school students
Results : 2 silver medals, 2 bronze medals and 1 honorable mention
Silver medalist (2 students)
: Deokhyeon Kim (Korea Science Academy of KAIST),
Ju Hyun Jeon (Korean Minjok Leadership Academy),
Bronze medalist (2 students)
: Yeon Jae Kim (Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies),
Suji Chae (Daegu Science High school)
Honorable Mention awardee (1 student)
: Jongjun Lee (Daegu Il Science High school)